jueves, noviembre 18, 2004

Pumpkin posted1 Pumpkin posted!

And they said those things don't happen in real life. Brendan Hansen was sweet enought to post in the blog that Michelle (who's pretty much the CIA when it comes to BH) has in the website dedicated to him.
Boy was sweet and fun. He told us the scoop about the Golden Google Awards (and shame on you, the ones that voted for that awards for giving Phelps and some girls the awards that Brendan, Ian Crocker and the almighty relay deserved) and his marital status (still single, good to know).
So yeah, now I have to leave Fantasy Land for a while and go back to my regular activities.

*sighs..* at least I can read his post :)

*I'd love to stay here and be normal
but it's just so overrated*
