Lena's life update
I'm sorry, but you know, work and train... less and less time each day.
My weekend was very very awesome.
Friday night, Mr Archer, V and I went to see this really great jazz concert. The band was among the ages of 17 and 20, so it was a huge surprise for me. The pianist is just virtous, you cannot say it otherwise.
Saturday, we hit the club really early. I've been slacking lately and it showed when the string hit repeatedly my bow arm. Again. There goes the bruise and the pain... damn. But I should have seen it coming.
In the afternoon, we drove to La Plata (one hour away from Buenos Aires) to go shoot with the guys there. Actually, I wanted Oso (Bear) to check on my technique. We still don't have a coach at my club and it's getting harder for me. Mr Archer, Marian and all the other guys try to help me, but they all point different things and I get lost. I just want to listen to one person and that is it. On top of that, Mr Archer does want to help, but I refuse to let it so. It will take time from him and he has so little time to train himself that I don't want him to spend it (waste it) on me. He needs to shoot himself. Besides, I wanted to hang out with my gal Gaby, the best woman archer in Argentina and one of the best archer friends I have.
So we went to shoot there and we had a great time. Bear checked out my technique and pointed a few things for me to work on. He also looked at Mr Archer's technique and told him that he's doing very very good, he only needs to shoot more. Which proved my point that I really really need to work on things on my own. I know I cannot make it to the National Team, I'm trying it anyway because that is how I am. Bue he has a pretty good chance to do it and I don't want to be in the way of that. He's told me million times he does not care spending time checking me out (in archery terms, get your minds out of the gutter), and I know he does not mind, but I do. I love him and I want him to do his best, and I'm gonna help him as much as I can.
We had a delicious time in La Plata and Sunday was spent all day at the club, again, this time working our separate ways. He went shoot his own life at 90m and 70m, while I worked on my back tension and release at 15m, 30m, 50m and later on joined him at 70m. It's incredible how much I improved just by changing a couple of things. My back is killing me, but that means I'm using the muscles I should use instead of the shoulder and elbow, which is bound to injure me again.
And then, of course, it was some quality time for us. I managed, even if we got home at 10.30 PM on Saturday, to make him a high class chicken with champignons in 20 minutes. And Sunday we just hang out and talked tons.
Ok enough with the ramble...
I'm back
Well, I'm back people and where to start...
The Olympic Academy was plain awesome. I met people from all over the country and they were all really cool. It was busy as hell (from 7.30 until midnight) but sooo worth it. We had lectures in the morning, group work in the afternoons, followed by some sport competitions (we sucked at voley but totally nailed the soccer championship). We ate like horses, 5 times a day, two courses plus desert meals. I've gained like 4 pounds.
The only downside was that we were locked up in the place, so I was away from Mr Archer for 5 days... I missed him so much. We kept text messaging each other.
And we made it up when we spent the entire weekend together. We traveled to Mar del Plata for the First National Team Trials. It was my frist tournament at Senior Level, and well, at least I finished it. Scores are not important at this point for me, but let's just say it was not good. Nevertheless, I'm pumped up to keep on working.
Mr Archer, on the other hand, came home with the bronze medal... he's such a great archer...
Well, that is all for now... let me know how you're doing
and by the way, I'm exhausted
I've been very busy these days. On top of working my butt off, I'm trying to train a little more. The 70m are making me work for it. I increased the limbs' weight and my back is now making me pay the bill for it. But it's all good.
A and I are doing really great. I'm nuts about this guy. And we've made it public among our archer circle of belongings onlyto find the "At last!!!" reply. Apparently, everyone saw it coming but us.
Finally, I'm gonna be offline next week. I've been accepted in the Olympic Academy and I'm going to be gone for a week doing the workshop. It's a dream come true for me. I really wanted to do it. After that, I'm heading to Mar del Plata to shoot my first tournament at Senior level. Wish me luck!
Best Days
I had a delicious weekend.
It combined my best friend showing up at my archery club, where we spent two and a half hours facing the sun, talking and catching up.
Then I double dated and went to have pizza and the movies with M and M, and we had a great time.
We saw "The Master Key" and I really like it. It was a really great time.
Sunday was spent in the club between arrows and chat. I really need to improve the weight of my bow to actually reach 70m, but I'm getting there and having tons of fun in the meantime.
Guided tour is on Monday, rehersal is in 8 hours and I still have to finish this.
Not to mention piles of work.
Oh well, I was busy
What is the play.... and what is my part?

- You Are The Wayfarer Guide
"I'll show you the way."
Your deep insight and quick wisdom never ceases to
amaze those around you. You are the guiding
light for many of those you know and are not
afraid to help anyone else who asks. Not very
many acknowledge your tremendous help and
effort, but you do not mind that so much.
You've seen what is in store for them, and will
be there should they need your help. You enjoy
people in general, but are very selective of
who you let see the real you. Others see you as
an enigma of sorts, a mystery that is seemingly
ever changing.
Which Classic Story Role Do You Play?
brought to you by Quizilla
If there is something that I loath, is taking the subway at rush hour.
You cannot move in there, as you struggle to keep your purse next to you, balance the folder you're carrying in the other hand and not die from suffocation because it's at least 10 degrees hotter than the winter that salutes you outside the metro.
On top of that, people that ask you to move so they can pass. Move where? Have you not noticed that I'm currently occupying 0.123456 Square meters and while I enjoy the ocassional groping, I'd rather have it at the comfort of my own couch and with a gentleman of my choice, not in the middle of a metro where I cannot start figuring which hand belongs to who.
Those are the reasons why I stay out of the metro at rush hour. Any other time it's great, like Sunday mornings that I can travel fast, comfortable and even read in it. But at rush hour, I'd rather walk... that way I can still breath somewhat fresh air.
Ah yes, one more word, people: Soap. Try it, it does wonders for the skin.