I've been very busy these days. On top of working my butt off, I'm trying to train a little more. The 70m are making me work for it. I increased the limbs' weight and my back is now making me pay the bill for it. But it's all good.
A and I are doing really great. I'm nuts about this guy. And we've made it public among our archer circle of belongings onlyto find the "At last!!!" reply. Apparently, everyone saw it coming but us.
Finally, I'm gonna be offline next week. I've been accepted in the Olympic Academy and I'm going to be gone for a week doing the workshop. It's a dream come true for me. I really wanted to do it. After that, I'm heading to Mar del Plata to shoot my first tournament at Senior level. Wish me luck!
Best Days
I had a delicious weekend.
It combined my best friend showing up at my archery club, where we spent two and a half hours facing the sun, talking and catching up.
Then I double dated and went to have pizza and the movies with M and M, and we had a great time.
We saw "The Master Key" and I really like it. It was a really great time.
Sunday was spent in the club between arrows and chat. I really need to improve the weight of my bow to actually reach 70m, but I'm getting there and having tons of fun in the meantime.
Guided tour is on Monday, rehersal is in 8 hours and I still have to finish this.
Not to mention piles of work.
Oh well, I was busy
What is the play.... and what is my part?

- You Are The Wayfarer Guide
"I'll show you the way."
Your deep insight and quick wisdom never ceases to
amaze those around you. You are the guiding
light for many of those you know and are not
afraid to help anyone else who asks. Not very
many acknowledge your tremendous help and
effort, but you do not mind that so much.
You've seen what is in store for them, and will
be there should they need your help. You enjoy
people in general, but are very selective of
who you let see the real you. Others see you as
an enigma of sorts, a mystery that is seemingly
ever changing.
Which Classic Story Role Do You Play?
brought to you by Quizilla
If there is something that I loath, is taking the subway at rush hour.
You cannot move in there, as you struggle to keep your purse next to you, balance the folder you're carrying in the other hand and not die from suffocation because it's at least 10 degrees hotter than the winter that salutes you outside the metro.
On top of that, people that ask you to move so they can pass. Move where? Have you not noticed that I'm currently occupying 0.123456 Square meters and while I enjoy the ocassional groping, I'd rather have it at the comfort of my own couch and with a gentleman of my choice, not in the middle of a metro where I cannot start figuring which hand belongs to who.
Those are the reasons why I stay out of the metro at rush hour. Any other time it's great, like Sunday mornings that I can travel fast, comfortable and even read in it. But at rush hour, I'd rather walk... that way I can still breath somewhat fresh air.
Ah yes, one more word, people: Soap. Try it, it does wonders for the skin.
Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei
I won't talk too much about last weekend tournament. Highlights were that I broke the 1000 points barrier and that the rest pretty much sucked. I don't have what it takes to be Team Captain, at least not yet.
But the heck with it... I'm just gonna put all my energy into making it to First Division. I have one month to manage to shoot at 70m and I will make it. Mark my words, I'm gonna do it by October 8th or leave my shoulder in the attempt.
I was walking with grocery bags on Friday evening with my phone rings. It's S, she tells me she's at the German Film Festival and that they are showing a movie with Daniel Brühl on Monday. She said "I got you a ticket already". And she delivered it to me yesterday at the tournament, along with the programe that has this lovely pic of Daniel.
I love Daniel. Plain and simple. I saw him for the first time last year in "Love in Thoughts" and he just conquered my heart. Not only because he is drop dead gorgeus in that sort of way that is cute and hot at the same time, but because he is an amazing actor.
Then it was "Goodbye Lenin!" where he nailed his part again. That kid can totally act. Plain and simple.
So, I just knew that today's movie was going to be great. It literally blew my mind. The idealism about revolution in the 21st Century, the topics it addressed, the dialogues, they all hit close to home to me.
And Daniel was just freaking gorgeus, as usual. And a great performance, as usual.
Of course, it sucks that almost none of his movies make it Argentina, but at least I was able to see this one.

Seriously, look at that... gorgeus
Sex and the City (of Buenos Aires)
There is nothing better to celebrate a friend's birthday than to go out and eat something. Especialle when said friends loves to eat as much as you do.
Last night, as we celebrated Blonde V, Czech Goddess' Birthday, we hit the trendiest all you can eat place in Buenos Aires. Well, one would think that 4 ladies, with the spring approaching, would watch their diets...
Think Again. We love to eat and we pay a tribute to it.
As for the conversation, priceless... we talked about everything and anything and by the end of the night, there was no archery comment that was not done with a second intention.
I'm never gonna stop smirking next time I hear "I like your Avalon (FYI, a bow's riser)" or "That is a long stabilization bar"...
Geez, since I was not already always in the gutter...