sábado, abril 30, 2005

Friday Night Compliment

Dutch Queen's Day Party in Buenos Aires. I'm sitting between A and R, havign fun and talking with them. R looks at me and says

R: The reason why we listen to you is because you have big breasts.
Me: What about the fact that I speak five languages, I can talk art and museums, I'm well versed in different topics, I'm fun and flirty?
R: Nope. I's the chest.

At least he was honest.


miércoles, abril 27, 2005

I swear I did not cheat!


American Cities That Best Fit You:

75% Philadelphia

70% Chicago

65% New York City

65% Washington, DC

60% San Francisco

Which American Cities Best Fit You?

I swear I was honest in my answers. Being near of Haversomething was not in my mind when I did this.


martes, abril 26, 2005

Vasos Vacíos

Y si, qué se le va a hacer. Se me dió por ver el vaso medio vacío ultimamente. Son cosas que pasan...

Pero ya pasó. A pesar de todo, hay cosas a las que aferrarse.

Siempre habrá Vacios Vácíos
Con agua de la ciudad
La nuestra es agua de río
mezclada con mar
Levanta los brazos mujer
y ponte esta noche a bailar
que la nuestra es agua de río
mezclada con mar.


lunes, abril 25, 2005

Falling with the Fall

So, the Fall is finally here. It's cold outside, and windy and all that jazz.

And even if I'm very cold today (probably an aftermath of the cold I felt yesterday at the tournament, it got into my bones), my spirit seems to relive during this, my favorite season.

I was born in the Fall. I was bound to love it.

Off to walk and feel the wind in my face.


At my level, at your level.

Don't tell me I should go find someone that it's at my level.

There are no levels. Not in this.

And even if there were... *I* choose who is at my level. Not you.


sábado, abril 23, 2005

Easy Times

I should start with my thesis. I know I should.

But I guess I wanted to take some time off before devoting my time completely to it as I know I'll ended up doing. Can you blame me? (I'm sure you can... everyone has an opinion these days).

So I decided to do some leisure reading during the last week (something I hadn't been able to do for a while). I read "The Dante Club". I have to say I really liked it. It runs smoothly and the characters are very well drifted.

I picked up "Valfierno" again to finish that one during the upcoming week.

Tomorrow is the start of the Indoor Archery Season. Let's hope the shoulder can make it... I'm already fed up with this stupid injury.

What else is new? My birthday would be here soon... and I'm trying to plan something as good as last year.

And I miss writting. I need to start doing fanfiction again. I've been on hiatus way too much already.

That is all.Off to make brownies and get some ice for the shoulder.


viernes, abril 22, 2005

Let's hear it for Friday Girly Night

Ultimate Recipe for Friday Girly Night... when you behave like a total girl even if you don't want to

-get help on AIM/phone calls... peer reassurance
-get junk food (tons)
-go to a party and dance it off


lunes, abril 18, 2005

I CANNOT believe this

A judge in Argentina justified the use of guns in a rape episode under the ground of being less violent and preventing suffering for the victim.

He also underestimated the bruises of the victim cause they were "normal" at this type of intercourse.


I'm shocked... seriously, this is wrong in way to many levels.


viernes, abril 15, 2005



I've been waiting for 5 months now! Come on, people!
I mean, I know Argentina is not a top market, but to
take 5 months to ship a bow from Korea to Argentina.

And is still not here... and no one knows when it will
be here.

argh. They should not mess with archers.

I'm beginning to think that someone is swimming the distance
with my bow at his back.

Unfortunately, it ain't an Olympic Swimmer.


End of rant.


jueves, abril 14, 2005

Kiss me... you won't regret it.

You scored as Romantic Kisser. Good for you! You know how to kiss
and hopefully you have a certain someone
to experience a serge of happiness with.
If not, it doesnt hurt to flirt kiss a little hehe.
Just dont get carried away. Romantic kissing is always a plus!
Kissing is an art keep it up and youll be really good!

Romantic Kisser


Yippy Ki Yay!


Dont quit your day job...


How good do you kiss?
created with QuizFarm.com


martes, abril 12, 2005

Is this true

~*~*~*~ LOVING~*~*~*~
Your loving nature makes you wonderful to be
around. You are the type of person that accepts
people for who they are and they in return of
your good heartedness, accept you right back.
You are most likely a romantic at heart. With a
sensitive soul and probably a broken heart from
the past, you don't usually trust people. You
have probably been hurt by someone you love or
loved dearly which makes it hard to confide in
others. Easy going and romantic, fun and
lovable, you have a great personality. You are
very well liked in the general world that
you're in.

Please Rate or message me! Thank you for taking my
quiz! XoXo <3 Lana

You're Beautiful...but why? ( PICS)
brought to you by Quizilla

You tell me...


sábado, abril 09, 2005

Going back

It's my first day of archert ever since the Finals and the injury. I'm a little scared but I know I don't have to overdoit.

And apparently, my new bow might be here next week. Oh Archer Goddes, Diana the Huntress, please let it be so.


jueves, abril 07, 2005

BST's are back!!!

Remember the BST (Blogger Silly Thingy)? Well, they're back...

holding hands
hand holding - you like to be in constant physical
contact with your special someone but you don't
want to take things too quickly.

What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I always thought I was a hugger... well.. this is very nice too.


viernes, abril 01, 2005


It's done...

After 8 years... all the papers are delivered. Now... now my thesis. My beloved thesis, the one I've been drafting for 3 years now in my mind.
First, finish the project and once it's approved... one year to write it.

I cannot wait. I feel so accomplished right now. I did it. I really did it.
