Before Sunset
I saw it yesterday with a couple of beloved friends. I loved it. The first, Before Sunrise, have spoken to me the language of romanticism in an old European City. The second, nine years later, showed me the characters growing up as I growed up too. And they still talk to me. I can still connect with them. Evey single line of that movie was perfect.
I hope I cannot wait 10 moe years for them to be with me again.
*I'd love to stay here and be normal
but it's just so overrated*
Para la cartera de la dama o el bolsillo del caballero
Los vendedores del bondi son una especie en si mismos. El lenguaje y el discurso creados para tal actividad combinan lo tecnológico con el sentido común de manera que más de uno envidia.
No puedo resistirme a los vendedores de biromes. Siempre termino comprando por la módica suma de $2 esos paquetes que contienen 80 mil cosas: tengo resaltadores (que nunca uso porque no me gustan, pero que siempre hay que tener por si acaso), portaminas, biromes de distintos colores tan útiles como naranja claro (que hasta recientemente no tenía ningún uso productivo y hoy sólo es utilizada para escribir "Go Texas Trio" en todos lados) y la nueva adición: biromes con tinta gel en azul, negro y rojo.
Qué puedo hacer? Si más que una oferta, es un regalo.
*I'd love to stay here and be normal
but it's just so overrated*
Cultura es lo que uno hace cuando no trabaja
Comentario tercenmundista del Congreso de Sociologia. Pero debo decir que me encantó. Es muy raro poder encontrar un panel que esté dispuesto a debatir por más de una hora cuál es la nueva función del curador en un museo.
Pero gracias a Dios todavía existimos algunos locos a los cuales este tipo de dilemas nos quitan el sueño.
Y bue, estoy escribiendo mi tesis sobre eso ;)
Culture is what one does when one is not working
Thirld world's comment from the Congress of Sociology. But I gotta say that I loved it. It's very estrange to find a panel willing to debate for over an hour what the new role of a curator should be in a museum.
But thank God there are still some of us crazies whom this type of dilemma keeps without sleeping.
And well, I'm writing my thesis about it.
*I'd love to stay here and be normal
but it's just so overrated*
Swimmer Ramblings I: Doing it Texas Style
Well, me and swimmers. Killer combination. And for those that keep stating that I'm obsessed, I keep telling you, I'm not. I'm devoted.
Before the Olympics, my knowledge of Swimming was good but a little outdated. Argentina is not the country where you can expect a lot of broadcasting over swimming. Which sucks, but that is life. We're a soccer country, deal with it. Athens 2004 brought the chance to see again some of my beloved swimmers: Popov, Thorpe, van den Hoogenband, Scherer, Meolans, etc. But my oh my, it also made me discover the wonders of the Texas Trio.
Aaron Peirsol. Ian Crocker. Brendan Hansen. Three Olympic Medalists (gold, I might add), the three of them belonging to the same university: University of Texas, that is.
Hook 'em Horns. They had become my main admiration these days. These men can really swim. Their style is absolutely perfect, like poetry in motion in the water. Brendan's start should be taught as "how to actually start a breaststroke race". Ian Crocker's fly stroker should be framed. Aaron Peirsol's back kick should be worshipped.
You get my point, I hope. And expect a lot of these ramblings. I have not even started with half of the swimmers yet.
But in the meantime, I'm glad that I got to see these guys raced in the Olympics and the WC. They just rocked.
*I'd love to stay here and be normal
but it's just so overrated*
Silver Arrow
Michelle, if you think of taking archery, read this...
Why I started? I cannot remember exactly when started, but archery was in the back of my mind for a while. Two years ago, I thought it was time to check it out.
I loved it. The moment I draw the bow and I relaxed my fingers and the arrow was released, I felt an evergy I've never felt before. Ever. And it's there every single time. I've learnt the technique, but it's the magic of it that brings me back. The one moment where everything is out of your mind, just that one arrow that you're about to release.
And for me, it also means to be with friends. I switched clubs a month ago, following my instructor (Walter, my sensei) and some friends. Because for me, archery is also laughing with the boys in the line of shooting, travelling 11 hours to a competition and having fun all the way even if it is 6 AM and it's pouring with rain. Is being more nervous than your friend that's competing for the gold medal in his category.
My new club brought even more amazing friends. So every Saturday morning I get up, get some coffe, pack my bow, my Rembrandt (yes, I named my bow, I'm that crazy) and my arrows (my Ravenclaws and my Musketeers) and go to the field. I spend all day outdoors. I shoot my bow and then hang out having mate and playing cards with Majito. Sometimes I even read a little.
But most of all, I have a good time. I live all week in a jungle of concrete full of noise and mess.
On Saturdays, it all fades away....
Today I went to a medieval archery tournament and had a blast watching the rest compete (instincive shooting is not my strenght) and on top of that I won the raffle: an exquisite piece of celtic jewelry, a silver arrow point. It's perfect, because I cannot think of something more representative of my love for archery.
The awful truth: The things I'd do for swimmers
Well, it's time to confess...
Why I started this?
Let me make a confession: I love swimming. And I adore swimmers. All of them. Plain and simple. So when Brendan Hansen answered a Q&A in the link you have at my sidebar, I wanted to post my reply and I wanted my name to be shown... Hence, here I am.
Why I love swimmers? What's there not to love? Incredible bodies, beautiful sport, amazing attitude towards the sport. Swimming is beautiful and luckily, we're having great swimmers in the world.
More later, gotta update my Bring your own swimmer party...
PC for dummies...
Like I said, I know nothing about this things... So thanks to Majito, I'm taking a quick "How to do this", step by step, class. Poor girl, she's the best. Love you so much...
Well, let's hope I'll learn quickly....
Starting this...
I've always wanted a blog and never dare to open one. Figures, I wanna leave a comment in a swimmer's page and it's all that it takes...
So, I promise to start to actually working on this pretty soon