Lost in Translation
So, one more time I went to the doctor. Which is a current thing given my sick status. This time was my hemathologist, who's my main doctor since they discovered my blood disease 5 years ago. He's a great doctor and I completely trust him, something very important these days.
There I was, as he was looking through my tests results and telling me I'm gonna be fine within time and rest, when he says
"Your sister (same blood problem, same doctor) was here last week. She told me she's getting married. You must be happy about it"
My jaw drops and I'm like WTF? She's getting married and I'm learning this from my doctor when I come to him cause I have mono? Sure funny thing...
Off to the doctor, pull the cell phone, call beloved (insert ironic voice there) sister. She confirmed she's not getting married.
But I don't know... my doctor had never lied to me.
Shamelessly Stolen
Ok, it goes like this: Steph borrow this from BeachGirl and now I'm stealing it from her... since I love this things...
Year In Review
1. What did you do in 2004 that you'd never done before? I started writing fanfiction
2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I kept some of them... and I'll make new ones. They're always soemthing good to try.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? No.
4. Did anyone close to you die? No
5. What countries did you visit? Brazil
6. What would you like to have in 2005 that you lacked in 2004? A job in a museum or as a book editor. A pumpkin?
7. What dates from 2004 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? 5/14, my 25th b-day. 5/15 the day of my b-day party with my two best friends! 10/22, Majito's b-day. the last day of the Olympics: double gold for Argentina
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Making ends meet and peace with some issues. Writing my thesis project.
9. What was your biggest failure? I don't believe in failures. But I guess a step back is my current sickness
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? Hell, yeah! Can you say mono and cronic anemia?
11. What was the best thing you bought? My new bow
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? Argentina b-ball team. Hoogie and Thorpe's friendshiop. Brendan Hansen's sportmanship. My friends and their attitudes.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Intolerance everywhere.
14. Where did most of your money go? Saving for Amsterdam 2005
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? The Olympics, Indy and my writing
16. What song will always remind you of 2004? Shut up, Black Eyed Peas, Te necesito, Amaral.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? happier
b) thinner or fatter? thinner
c) richer or poorer? poorer, damn those medications
18. What do you wish you'd done more of? Archery, spend time with friends
19. What do you wish you'd done less of? being sick
20. How will you be spending Christmas? Spent Christmas with the family, doing the usual
21. Did you fall in love in 2004? Love? No. Insane foreign crushes? Yes
22. How many one-night stands? That's not a question to ask to a Lady. Seriously, no.
23. What was your favorite TV program? Joan of Arcadia
24. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year? I don't believe in hating. Takes too much energy
25. What was the best book you read? This year? El Secreto de los Flamencos, rereading The Three Musketeers, The Borgias.
26. What was your greatest musical discovery? Franz Ferdinand, Joss Stone
27. What did you want and get? A new bow.
28. What did you want and not get? Pumpkin. A scholarship for my thesis
29. What was your favorite film of this year? Before Sunset
30. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I took a Dutch Oficial Test, and have dinner with my archery gang. I turned a quarter of a Century
31. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? A job in a museum
32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2004? Elegant, classic but trendy nonetheless
33. What kept you sane? Friends and family
34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? Brendan Hansen. Far, far above the rest
35. What political issue stirred you the most? War
36. Who did you miss? My friend Sahand from Amsterdam
37. Who was the best new person you met? In real life - Sassy and Majito. Online - all of the BHO/OG girls plus Karen's Cafe, The Rivercourt, TWA and TWC
38. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2004: Be true to yourself.
39. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
Hay recuerdos que no voy a borrar
personas que no voy a olvidar
silencios que prefiero callar
hay secretos en el fondo del mar
personas que me quiero llevar
aromas que no quiero olvidar
silencios que prefiero callar
There are memories I'm not gonna erase
people I'm not gonna forget
silences I'd rather shut
there are secrets at the bottom of the sea
people that I want to take with me
scents I don't want to forget
silences I'd rather shut
Fito Paez, Brillante sobre el mic
Measuring Times
Well, 2004 is wrapping up. And I have to sit here and make a balance of it.
Regardless the mono that has gotten me completely numb and sick for the past 2 months, this has been a great year.
It all started with one show, One Tree Hill, that took me to the unexpected. It took me to TwoP looking for recaps only to find their forum and falling in love with the people there... and it took me to Sassy (hugs, girl, before you, no one knew about the marshmellows scene). I learnt there that there was something called fanfiction and I decided to try it. I found myself writing again, soemthing I haven't done in years, and in a language that is not mine. As I grew more confident, Tangled Web Awards and the Rivercourt came into my life, places to sheare and laugh and friendships and sisterhoods all over the world.
Olympic year found me in August looking at my screen 18 hours a day spotting swimming, soccer, basketball, archery, all of it. And one more time I went to TwoP to recognize the many talents swimmers have. When they nicely told us we could no longer admire them, Texas Gal took a stand and founded Olympic Gods. My oh my, I love that place. And from there, I was one step away from Brendan Hansen Online. Then Brendan spotted the site, and then came the Q&A, the posts, the family... all of it.
September was also a month of changes: I decided to switch archery clubs and follow my friends to our new destination, CUDA. And right there, in the most unexpected place, a new friend was found: Majito. Another writer, archer, TV lover, all of it.
So new traditions started: movie days, writing sessions, blogs, websites.
Final web shout out goes to fanforum and Karen's Café: They sure make weeks much more bearable.
As for all the rest: old friendships that remained strong and tight. A masters almost finished, plans to write my thesis and go find my destiny.
I've been blessed this year from many angles I cannot even begin to tell the joy I'm feeling.
And I'm thankful for everything and everyone that crossed my path on this wonderful 2004.
May 2005 begin the same way.
Prettig Kerstmisdag
Feliz Navidad! And a Merry Christmas.
Love, Friendship and Family.
Peace in the World.
A Pumpkin under my mistletoe ;)
As usual, the lovely Janet has come up with yet another great idea. To have a TWA 2004 Calendar with the 12 best OTH fanfics of 2004. I'm honored to say that some of mine have already been nominated.
Now the judged would select the final 20 and then is by popular poll.
So, please, take a look and nominate and vote. We're putting a lot of effort in this.
*I'd love to stay here and be normal
but it's just so overrated*
Just one of those weeks
I've been sick on and off for a month and a half now. I tell you, it's not funny. Yes, you get to stay home and in bed but you feel so bad that it's not like you can catch up with your reading. Or having someone especial visiting you because let's face it, you look like Hell.
After several visits to doctors and really painful tests and pain in my tonsils they finally got it right.
Although, it was so long that my infection was really spread. I took four shots of intramuscular medication in less than 36 hours. Painful? You have no idea. I'm a queen in a throne of pillows.
But I feel much better now. Because during all this time my friends and family were there: e- cards, words of encouragement, love, emails, phone calls. That really made me feel good.
And know I'm ready to get really well. And be healthy once and for all. I can fight cronic anemian, I've done that my whole life.
*I'd love to stay here and be normal
but it's just so overrated*
Well, we're back on track with the Tangled Web Awards. I'm looking forward to this round cause I'm gonna be judging another category. I always love the opportunity to read new fics and authors or be surprised by the new work of old friends.
And as usual, the lovely Janet makes the best badges ever!
So, if you like the OTH fanfiction world, start nominating!
*I'd love to stay here and be normal
but it's just so overrated*
Dinner with the Trio, Buenos Aires style
No, I'm not delluded. And no, it was not the Texas Trio that had dinner with me last night (one day... one day).
But I did have the enourmous pleasure of having a girls night out with my 2 best friends (the third was absent with notice) for years and it was amazing. Hectic life has all of us running from here to there, but last night we took a stop and share.
Food was delicious (Sullivan's at Palermo Soho sure is a good place to eat), the beer was cold, the talks went on and on.
I've forgotten how much I miss those things until I get them again. And even if once in a while, is nice to sit in a table with people that can read you like nobody else, that can even get ahead of your thinking. That can know what you're going through just by looking in your eyes.
So, even if the Texas Trio kicks butt, I have to say that if they had called me last night, I would have had to say "Sorry, guys, I'm having dinner with my friends"
*I'd love to stay here and be normal
but it's just so overrated*
The things we cherish the most
For me, it's friendship. Plain and simple, no agenda, I'm here for you friendship.
It's something pure and perfect in that bond you have when you're able to call someone a friend that makes you realize that no matter what, this person would be there for you. It would be the shelter for your tears, the rock of your laughs, it would be the one holding your hand when the going gets tough. And it does not mean they would always agree with you. Friendship is also about sharing opinions and challenging to be better, to feel, think, share.
I wasn't always lucky with friends in my life. One way or the other, something went wrong.
Today I can say that I might now have a million friends, but the ones I have are real ones and they enrich my life every single day in a thousand different ways.
*I'd love to stay here and be normal
but it's just so overrated*
So, Denise3, you wanted to be entertained? I'm gonna entertain you and me talking about you.
For those over there that love One Tree Hill, this is a must-visit location. Why? Cause D1 and D3 would crack you up with their weekly view on the show. Expect the unexpectable, as they share love and hate over Blue Power Ranger Felix or they crash my dreams of a Naley break up by telling how commited they're to each other (shivers).
Finally, both of them are waitresses at the best Off Topic chat ever existed at fanforum, Karen's Café. Where yours truly is, of course, the inventory especialist. And these two have benefited of my knowledge of swimmers, er... swimming a lot ;)
So, drop by the other side of the Hill, you sure are gonna love it..
And don't forget to feed your lovely hostess a line or two as a reply...