My name is all I have
I love my name. Is short, original and very interesting. It adds a ounce of exotism that I really really like.
But I also love nicknames, cause they're part of personal history with different friends and groups. Sometimes, one nickname can take back to so many wonderful times lived somewhere.
And this week, I added one to the list: Kanga. Now Pooh, Tigger and me (Kanga) can write a whole new chapter in the life of the Angels of the Gutter.
Btw, Kanga loves Pumpkins ;)
Hell Week
Well, one of those weeks... yeah. Drama ensued everywhere and it totally drained me. I haven't been able to eat in two days because my stomach is not accepting food.
I still want to thank the incredible friends I have that made me feel better and stood there with me. Most of you had crappy weeks too but nonetheless were there. You were my shelter and I thank you for it.
And I know I have to let go, but I'm still very pissed off. My identity was stolen, people talked behind my back and I'm very very mad at this.
But today, I'm gonna follow the advice of a good friend: I'm gonna go out and get away from it all. Archery, here I come.
Work, work, work
I haven't been able to start Paper number 2. I went to the library yesterday and got the books I needed and I'm gonna start reading and drafting as soon as I can.
But I just got this job to finish too for my freelancer work and it's a long thing to read and review... so far so good... it's a so so thing. It gets me in the wonder: it's not bad, but it's not great. I keep wondering whether or not this person can actually become a great writer. It has talent, that is for sure... I'm just not completely sure that's it's developing ok.
And I would hate to make a mistake over this... Everyone knows by now that I'm extremely picky about my work. Sometimes I wonder if my standards are to high and that I'm being way too picky.
I'm gonna have lunch, take a power nap and get onto it later...
2005 Paper Writing Countdown: 1done, 4 to go. Getting back on track
Ok, it took me longer than expected but number 1 is done! I only need to add the bibliography but that is copy/paste anyway.
I'm so happy, I'm gonna start tomorrow with number 2: an analysis of the school visits to museums and how we can see it from a popular culture point of view. I have the field research of the Malba from 2 years ago, so no biggie on that. There's one downside. I cannot find the texts i was supposed to use. I'm gonna look one more time tomorrow morning, otherwise i have to see about reconstructing it with what I have or go get them again... thing is, I'd have to read them all again and I don't feel like to. Oh, well, life.
Valentine's Day was quiet. I got great ecards from my friends, candies from Majito and we went to the movies. Yeah, I know, everyone thinks Alexander is a terrible movie, but I am a sucker for epics, so I really cannot be reasonable, I loved it.
2005 Paper Writing Countdown: 1/3 done, 4 and 2/3 to go. Rediscovering the magic
Well, I said I was going to try to have it finished for today. It's not gonna happen... it's taking me longer than expected.
I guess I'm rusty and it makes sense... I used to be able to write a 20 pages research paper out of my head in just one day, but that was when I was writing them on weekly basis (God, I miss my undergrad days). These papers are harder to write and I haven't done this in over 8 months, so I need to get the pace again.
But something happened between yesterday and today. Yes, I'm tired and my back is killing me but at the same time, I rediscovered the magic of it. I love doing this, I might complain a lot, but truth is, I enjoy writing papers... I enjoy my academic life and it's nice to be able to sit again and linked things nobody else thought could be related...
That feels good.
Well, off I go to write some more before my plans for the evening.
New deadline for paper #1: tomorrow... (probably afternoon)
I'll take two
OK, first paper break. The introduction is done and I'm on my way to write the first part of teh paper, a general description of what fanfiction is. I've decided to estruturate the paper in 3 parts: Prequel, Main Story and Sequel, in an attempt to make it more related to what I'm writing about it.
In the mean time, I shamelessly stole this from Tigger
2 things you ate today:
1) Honey and milk bread
2) Cheese stick
Last 2 people you got e-mail from
1) Majito
2) Lala
Last 2 people you sent e-mail to
1) Majito
2) Lala
2 things on your desk
1) Mate
2) notes for the papers
2 people you are missing right now
1) Alex
2) Leti
2 things you can see from your window:
1) The boulevard I live in
2) Palm trees
2 movies you watched
1) Finding Neverland
2) Closer
2 things you did today to waste time
1) Write in my blog
2) Walk
2 songs you listened to today
1) Old habits die hard- Mick Jagger
2) Mujeres - Ricardo Arjona
2 Things you need to do today
1) Write the paper
2) Write the paper, part 2
2 thoughts you are keeping in mind today
1) You have to write those papers
2) Focus
2005 Paper Writing Countdown: 0 down, 5 to go.
Well, enough procastination and enough holidays. It's time to start writing the papers for my Masters...
So, I have my classical music ready and here we go with number one: a take on the genre of fanfiction in the internet and how it can be traced and linked to the phenomena of novellisation (Baetens) and transposition (Genette)
Impressive, uh? Well, not really but that is the best I can come up with. I'm planning to finish this one for tomorrow... Key word: planning.
Back to work.
Well, Tigger keeps finding them...
...and I keep borrowing them.
Instead of discussing the Eagles and the Patriots (yeah, I watched a football game, so sue me) Let's move onto better topics..
Opposite Sex-
Guitar or Drum Player - Drummer
Skater or Surfer - Skater, totally
Brown or Blue Eyes - Blue for the cristal, Brown for the intensity
Blonde or Brunette - Brunette, I'm done with blondes
Brains or Looks (Be honest!) - Looks are good, but I need some brain too.
Food -
Hamburger or Hotdog - Hamburger
Pie or Cake - Lemon Pie
Apple or Banana - Banana
Coke or Pepsi - Pepsi
Chicken or Beef - Read Meat!!!!
Oreos or Chips Ahoy - Nueve de Oro
Pancakes or Waffles - Waffles
Chocolate or Vanilla - Chocolate
Strawberry or Cherry - Cherry
Watermelon or Cantaloupe - Sandía, which I think is watermelon
Potato or Macaroni Salad - Neither, Caesar Salad
Wheat or White - Lost in Translation
Tic Tacs or Altoids - Tic Tacs
Sausage or Bacon - Both
Sour Cream and Chives or BBQ - Chimichurri
Sports -
Baseball or Football - Fútbol (as in Soccer, as in the best sport ever)
Swimming or Track - Swimming... come on... you know me by now
Tennis or Golf - Tennis
Skiing or Sledding - Skiing
Bicycling or Jogging - Bicycling (in Amsterdam, preferably)
Clothes -
Pants or Shorts - Pants. Black with white stripes
Zip-Up or Pull-Over Sweatshirt - Pull-Over
Sandals or Tennis Shoes - Tennis shoes, pretty comfortable
Dresses or Skirts - Skirts
Mittens or Gloves - Gloves
Print or Solid - Solid
Names -
Bob or Bill - Bob
Jessica or Jennifer - Jennifer
Aaron or Erin - Aaron
Carrie or Kari - Carrie
Todd or Tom - Tom
Lynn or Lee - Lynn
Sarah or Susie - Sarah
Jack or John - John
Lisa or Linda - Lisa
Matt or Nick - Matt
Brendan or Brandon - Do I really need to answer this one? Brendan, of course
Sean of Shawn - Sean (as is brother in law)
Music -
Punk or Rock - Both
Country or Bubble Gum Pop - Country
Rap or Techno - Techno
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera - Neither!
*N Sync or Backstreet Boys - Take That
Korn or Staind - Korn
Limp Bizkit or Linkin Park - Linkin Park
Guitar or Drums - Drums
Piano or Violin - Piano
Cds or Radio- Both
Cinema -
Bruce Willis or Kevin Costner - Bruce
Jennifer Love Hewitt or Neve Campbell - Neve Campbell
Aladdin or Lion King - Lion King
Snow White or Sleeping Beauty - Snow White
Comedy or Drama - Both
Horror or Science Fiction - Neither
Scream or I Know What You Did Last Summer: Scream
Not Another Teen Movie or Scary Movie - Haven not seen them
Titanic or Pearl Harbor - Pearl Harbor
The Mask or Ace Ventura - Neither
Computer/Video Games -
Alta Vista or Google - Google
Mac or PC - PC (but I want a Mac!!!)
PS2 or N64 - uh?
Mario Brothers or Zelda - Tetris
School -
Pen or Pencil- Pen
English or History - Both
Math or Science - Math
Home Economics or Woodshop - Home Economics
Backpack or Messenger Bag - Messenger Bag, always...
Animals -
Cat or Dog - Cat
Fish or Hamster - Hamster
Tiger or Lion - both... all felines for that matter
Butterfly or Lady Bug - Lady Bug
Seals or Otters - Seals
Products -
Tide or Gain - Ala/Skip
Herbal Essences or Suave - Capilatis
Dove or Irish Spring - Dove
A-JAX or 409 - uh?
Crest or Colgate - Colgate
Now is time for you to talk
We've heard tons about me... it's time to know about you...
01. Name:
02. Age:
03. Where on earth do you live:
04. What makes you happy:
05. What have you been listening to lately:
06. Do you enjoy reading my LJ:
07. If so, why:
08. Interesting fact about you:
09. Are you in love at the moment:
10. Favourite destination:
11. Favourite quote:
12. Will you post this in your LJ/blog:
My eyes...
I love this pic... Walter (Sensei) took it at the tourney the other day.

To everything there is a season...
And I think is about time for me to leave the house. I've been so focused on feeling better I forgot there's a whole world outside there, waiting for me to go there.
True, I still have tons of papers and reports to write, but it's also time for me to go back to my walks, my coffee talks, my movie days. All the little things that make my life in Buenos Aires so special and wonderful.
Sometimes we want something else so bad we forget to enjoy what we're having right here, right now.
And I love what I have in here... even if there's tons more that I want, I love that magical spirit that Buenos Aires has, the little hidden places that bring joy and warmth into my heart.
The small traditions and habits, the daily things that make it so wonderful... so perfect sometimes.
It's in my kiss
That is right, it's not in yours... it is in mine ;)

You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves
your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling
he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss
that never lessens and always blows your
partner away like the first time.
What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
You know, I'm gonna be a modern princess and instead of kissing frogs, I'm gonna kiss pumpkins.
Yeah, that is an excellent idea.